Cotex Hydrokill Flea & Tick Rinse Concentrate


SKU: PW-4114

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 COTEX Hydrokill is a proven, highly effective, fast acting Flea, Tick and Lice treatment. The main active, Pyrethrin, is a Fast Knockdown natural insecticide which acts immediately on Fleas, Ticks and Lice. COTEX Hydrokill may be used daily during high Flea infestation periods. For continuous Paralysis Tick control the animal should be rinsed as per the label, every 3 days, during tick season. In Northern parts of Australia tick season can be all year round and in southern areas, from spring through to autumn. Generally the worst time for paralysis tick is in spring and early summer DO NOT RINSE OFF after washing the animal. Some Hydrobath operators and Groomers report they add 10-20 mls to the Petway Shampoo mix in the tub prior to washing dogs and cats, as a precaution in the Flea Season even when there is no obvious flea activity on the animal. Use as per label.

PACK SIZE: 500ml

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